capillary blood flow meaning in English
- Results showed that when patients were lying down , pycnogenol ? treatment improved capillary blood flow by 34 percent , compared to 4 . 7 percent in the placebo group
实验结果表明,当病人平躺时,碧萝芷?组病人的的血流速度提高了37 % ,而安慰剂组仅提高了4 . 7 % 。 - When patient ' s blood flow was measured in a standing position , pycnogenol ? treatment improved capillary blood flow by 68 percent , compared to 8 percent in the placebo group
当在病人站立状态进行血流速度测量时,碧萝芷?组病人毛细血管的血流速度提高了68 % ,而安慰剂组仅提高了8 % 。